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How To Improve Your Social Media Engagement With Marketing Metrics

How To Improve Your Social Media Engagement With Marketing Metrics

Social Media Marketing

From Facebook “likes” to retweets, @replies, blog comments and embeds, there are many metrics to help you keep track of your social media reach – but do you really know how to make the most of them? 

In Chapter 4 of his new eBook, “Unlock The ROI of Your Marketing With Analytics”, marketing expert and SugarBush Inc. President Mark Parent explains why applying marketing analytics to your social media is crucial to devising the most effective strategy. Why? Because it helps “you prioritize on what site you should spend time – because it probably can’t be all of them.”

Social Media Traffic

To figure out the sites on which you should be spending most of your time and resources, you first need to figure out which social media sites send traffic to your website.

“Social media is often a huge generator for business blogs and landing pages too,” writes Parent. “So, use your closed-loop analytics to determine how much of that social media traffic turns into leads and which sites provide the best visitor-to-lead conversion rates.”

“Leads are great, but customers are better!”

Next, take it one step further and analyze which sites have the highest lead-to-customer rate. Looking at your closed-loop data next to how engaged your followers from each social media network are can help you learn what kind of content resonates -- so you can give them more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

“Effective marketers should be able to tie every single lead, customer and dollar back to the marketing initiative that created them. This is how marketers can prove their worth, and understand how to more efficiently reach their audience.” - Mark Parent

It takes very little time to gather these social media analytics – and doing so helps you waste far less time and resources moving forward. For instance, if you notice that blog related posts do little on a social media site but product related posts get tons of shares and conversions, you’ll be able to take action immediately – cut out the fluff and chase even more leads.

Know Better. Do Better.

To learn more about how to improve your social media engagement with marketing analytics and how to improve your SEO, lead nurturing, landing pages, blogging and email – all with marketing analytics – download the free eBook “Unlock The ROI of Your Marketing With Analytics” from Mark Parent now!

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