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Turn Prospects Into Paying Customers Fast With Free New eBook

Turn Prospects Into Paying Customers Fast With Free New eBook

Social Media Marketing Company

Facebook is about more than just having a large fan base. What are you or your marketing company really doing with them? Do they interact with you and respond well to what you’re posting? With all the time your employees or social media marketing company spends posting your latest company news and offerings to your page, you need to see the benefits of having those fans become actual customers.

“How To Plan Your Facebook Strategy”

by SugarBush Marketing Company President Mark Parent

After reading this free and easy-to-follow eBook, you’ll have the marketing education you need to finally be able to get the most out of your Facebook page - by not only increasing your reach, but also taking those fans, turning them into leads, and nurturing them from prospects into paying customers.

First Things First

The first step to efficiently gain qualified leads and customers through Facebook is to create goals and a strategy. Follow these steps to determine the best plan for your business:

  1. Quantify Your Goals: Use your current Facebook analytics to determine goal target clickthrough, prospect to lead, and lead to customer conversion rates. Having set numbers will allow you to easily analyze your results.
  2. Review Your Buyer Personas: In order to increase your number of customers through Facebook, you need to be reaching the right audience. Study up on who your ideal audience is and the best ways to target them.
  3. Create a Unified Campaign: What you do on Facebook should go hand-in-hand with the rest of your marketing in order to maintain a cohesive brand image that resonates well with your audience. Make sure what you’re posting and offering on Facebook is integrated into the rest of your marketing efforts.

From Facebook To Your Website – Content, Link-backs and Landing Pages

Quality Content:

People are inundated with emails, Facebook posts, and tweets. They need a good reason to visit your website. The most effective way to drive traffic from Facebook is by providing fans with the high quality content they want to read. This will not only get visitors to your site, it will keep them coming back.

Link Back To Your Website:

While having a lot of Facebook fans makes you look great, it doesn’t directly impact your business growth. That’s up to you. Once you have your content, it’s time to use that to entice your audience to go past your Facebook page and spend time on your website. The best way to do this is by offering an irresistible call-to-action (CTA) that takes a fan from Facebook to a landing page. This opens up the opportunity of turning that prospect into a lead simply by providing an offer.

Create A Sleek Landing Page:

The key to creating your landing pages is to make them straight to the point, so the viewer knows exactly what you’re offering and what they’re supposed to do. To accomplish this:

    • Be Consistent: Whatever you offer in your post and CTA, have the same message and offer on the landing page. You want people to solely focus on what you’re offering and immediately know the next step they should take.
    • Keep it Clean: Don’t clutter the page with navigation bars that redirect back to your homepage and social media sharing links. The only option your prospect should have is to get your offer.
    • Make Your Form Simple: Tailor your form questions to the type of offer you’re making. Don’t scare off your top of the funnel prospects by asking questions that are too personal. Start off with the basics, then ask more detailed questions as leads become more qualified.

To learn more about how your social media marketing company strategy can do even more for you, download the new eBook “How To Turn Facebook Fans Into Paying Customers” today.

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