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Social Media

4 min read

The Best Time to Post on Social Media

Have you ever wondered when's the perfect time to hit that "post" button on social media? You're not alone. The best time to post on social media can...

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3 min read

Marketing In Real-Time: Digital in Overdrive

In an increasingly hyper-connected world, real-time marketing has an air of inevitability about it. Consumers in increasing numbers expect...

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Image of the winning entry for the White Cup Content by Starbucks

2 min read

Why User-Generated Content Should be Part of Your Strategy

Starbucks' White Cup Contest is a classic example of user-generated content. In 2014, Starbucks launched the White Cup Contest. Fans were able to...

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Image of social media icons (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) on an iPhone screen.

2 min read

Managing the moving parts: Social media marketing for sustainable growth

According to Fortune magazine, a 30-second Super Bowl ad sells for around $5 million. Why? The answer is simple: 114.4 million people tune in to...

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Image of a person using Twitter on an iPhone.

2 min read

How to use social media to keep up with your customers

Social media is a must-have tool for keeping up and communicating with customers. Never before has there been an opportunity for communication...

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3 min read

Social media marketing: Factors to consider before jumping in

For most B2B and B2C companies, social media marketing has become increasingly important in recent years. According to CMI's "B2B Content Marketing...

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Image of person using smartphone with social media icons.

3 min read

Which social media outlets should I use for my marketing?!

You have embraced the inbound marketing philosophy and you are ready to craft some killer campaigns on social media. You take a deep breath and ......

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2 min read

3 Reasons to Follow Your Competition on Social Media

You know that you need to pay attention to conversations about your business on social media, but have you neglected the competition? Knowing how...

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2 min read

Social media's pivotal role in customer nurturing

Your customers are your most valuable asset. They are the source of your revenue and relevance. Keeping them engaged and valued is crucial. And one...

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2 min read

Are you making the most of your Facebook marketing? Here's how to tell

If you're using Facebook as part of your inbound marketing strategy, you're on the right track. Facebook offers an incredible opportunity to boost...

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