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Inbound 281

Digital Marketing Agency located at 281 Enterprise Ct., Ste 100, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

evaluation and control in a marketing plan

3 min read

Why Evaluation and Control are Essential Aspects of a Marketing Plan

Marketing plans are not just about strategies and tactics; they also encompass the critical aspects of evaluation and control. Evaluation and control are essential pillars of a comprehensive marketing plan, providing a mechanism to gauge the...

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fractional marketing services

2 min read

Unlocking the Power of Fractional Marketing Services

Discover how fractional marketing services can revolutionize your marketing strategy and drive business growth.

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Write a Marketing Implementation Plan

4 min read

Write a Marketing Implementation Plan

A marketing implementation plan is a critical component of a comprehensive marketing plan, providing a clear roadmap for executing marketing...

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Budget and Resource Allocation

3 min read

Your Guide to Budget and Resource Allocation

In a well-structured marketing plan, budget and marketing resource allocation plays a vital role in determining how financial resources, personnel,...

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3 min read

How Zombie Pages Affect SEO: And How to Deal With Them

Zombie pages. The term might sound intriguing, but in the world of SEO, it refers to something less exciting. Zombie pages are web pages that have...

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Growth Marketing Tactics

4 min read

Growth Marketing Tactics for Your Marketing Plan

Growth marketing tactics are the actionable steps that bring your marketing strategies to life. They are the specific activities and initiatives you...

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Growth Marketing Strategies

4 min read

Implement Growth Marketing Strategies in Your Marketing Plan

Growth marketing strategies are the essential frameworks and approaches a marketing plan outlines to achieve specific marketing objectives. They...

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Smart marketing objectives

3 min read

SMART Marketing Objectives for Marketing Plans [Template and Examples]

Smart marketing objectives play a crucial role in shaping the direction and focus of a comprehensive marketing plan. They are specific, measurable,...

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What is segmentation targeting and positioning in marketing

2 min read

What is Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in a Marketing Plan?

As marketers, we all know the importance of marketing to the right audience, but what is segmentation targeting and positioning in a marketing plan,...

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How to write a situation analysis and example

3 min read

Situation Analysis Example and How to Write One

A situation analysis plays a pivotal role in shaping a marketing plan by providing a comprehensive understanding of both internal and external...

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