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Make your website a lead generating machine

Make your website a lead generating machine

Your website isn't just a digital business card. It's a powerful marketing tool -- if you harness its power and make it work for you.

Websites are particularly effective at generating new leads for your organization. But if you've been seeing depressing prospect growth, try a few of these strategies to turn your website into a lead generating machine.

Image of rowing crew team. Personalization and inbound marketing can make prospects feel like part of your team.Your website can make your prospects feel like they're part of your team.
How? Personalization techniques are a good start. Twitter icon for click to tweet

Make your calls-to-action more personal

Personalization has become a cornerstone of inbound and digital marketing. It welcomes visitors to your website and helps them feel included. They're not outsiders -- they're part of the team.

HubSpot reports that personalized calls-to-action (CTAs) increase conversions by 42 percent. Whether the prospect is visiting your website for the second time or the seventh, he or she will see a personalized message that encourages them to take the next step in his or her specific buying cycle.

Think about the last time you visited your favorite restaurant, or the bank where you've held your accounts for 20 years. Did a customer service representative greet you by name? How did it make you feel? Or, if the rep forgot your name, did you experience a bit if disappointment?

We are naturally drawn to personalized experiences because they make us feel special and included. To learn more about creating CTAs from our blog article "How to craft a call-to-action that drives results."

Pair testimonials with photos

Anyone can write a fake review, which is why consumers have grown distrustful of them. Instead of just posting excerpts of rave reviews from John P. and Sue M., post photos of your customers alongside their praise. According to Kissmetrics, adding photographs or using audio clips can dramatically improve your lead-generation prospects.

If you can't use photos, use the strongest testimonials possible. Ask your customers to mention specific and unique things they like about your business, from your friendly customer service to your selection of products. If your customers have websites of their own, ask if you can include a link.


Image of woman shopping online. Letting satisfied customers tell their story can boost inbound marketing plans.Your visitors don't just want to hear about your satisfied customers, they want  to see them too. Twitter icon for click to tweet

Get your team on the same page

Forbes reports that lead-generation strategies are most effective when all members of a business work together toward a common goal. You might hire an inbound marketing agency to help you get your lead-generation campaign off to a running start, but you should also include your partners and employees in the process.

Inbound marketing doesn't work as effectively if you lack buy-in from the C-suite or if your advertising and sales departments are working toward different goals. Encourage collaboration between you, your team, and your inbound marketing agency to give this process a greater chance to succeed.

Limit user choices

Have you ever stood in line at a buffet-style restaurant and realized you had no idea what you might want to eat? We're an indecisive species as a whole. When we are faced with too many choices, we often elect not to make a choice at all.

Don't give your prospects that loophole. Instead, create a single call-to-action for every page on your site. Drive your prospects toward one specific action so they don't have other choices.

Your website has the power to generate more leads, but you may need to rethink your strategy. For more guidance and advice on designing an effective website, get your free copy of our How to Build an Inbound Website eGuide

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