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3 min read

How Zombie Pages Affect SEO: And How to Deal With Them

Zombie pages. The term might sound intriguing, but in the world of SEO, it refers to something less exciting. Zombie pages are web pages that have...

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SEO for Assisted Living Communities

4 min read

Senior Living SEO: How to Optimize SEO for Assisted Living Communities

As the demand for assisted living communities grows, the competition among providers becomes more intense. In this digital age, having a strong...

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Website Grader

4 min read

Measure and Evaluate Your Website Performance

With today’s technology, having a website that performs well is imperative to the success of any online business or organization. Website...

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Site Health Results Image

4 min read

Is Your Website Healthy?

Your Website's Health is More Than Skin Deep A healthy website is more than just a good-looking site. Search engines like Google don’t index and rank...

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2 min read

4 tips to optimize pay-per-click efforts to capture holiday sales

This year's holiday season is already in full swing, but you still have time to give your advertising efforts a boost and take advantage of...

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3 min read

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO to Survive

When you Google a product or service your company sells, does your company's name appear near the top of the organic search results? Are you on the...

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2 min read

Improve Your Inbound Marketing with Better SEO Tactics in 1 Month or Less

If SEO has not been your strong suit in the past, there is no need to worry. With a little bit of effort, you can improve your search engine rankings...

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2 min read

Google's Recent Innovations for Paid Search

Over the past several years, Google and marketers have experienced something of a love-hate relationship. While Google's advertising opportunities...

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2 min read

Digital Marketing Myths: What Small Businesses Need to Know

Digital marketing. By now, most people have heard the term. It can definitely sound imposing, but it doesn't need to be intimidating. Digital...

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Image of man reading a newspaper. Public relations is still an important part of digital marketing.

2 min read

Building better backlinks: 3 strategies for success

Google and other search engines take several factors into consideration when deciding where to rank a given website. If you've dipped your toe in the...

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