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Improve Your Inbound Marketing with Better SEO Tactics in 1 Month or Less

Improve Your Inbound Marketing with Better SEO Tactics in 1 Month or Less

If SEO has not been your strong suit in the past, there is no need to worry. With a little bit of effort, you can improve your search engine rankings quickly, drive more traffic to your site, and watch your revenue grow.

Inbound marketing

You can improve your SEO in just 30 days by taking a look at your
keywords, content, links, and analytics.  Twitter icon for click to tweet


Though search engine algorithms change often, there are some basic factors that remain the same. Paying attention to these factors can help you improve your SEO in as little as a month. Here are some tips to get you started down the right path:

Tip #1 — Start with keyword research

If keyword research seems difficult, you may be overthinking it.

Narrowing in on good keywords means that you need to think about what words people who are looking for your products or services would be likely to type into a search box.

Google tools can actually help you with this task. With the free Google Keyword Planner tool, you can input your website's home page URL and review the keyword ideas Google provides.

Other search engines provide similar tools, and comparing your results from several search engines will help you see what keywords are most important.


Tip #2 — Use keywords judiciously

Once you have a working list of relevant keywords on which to focus, be sure to use those keywords often in your page content.

SearchEngineLand.com suggests: "In particular, make sure you use these keywords in the first few words of your page title because this is the most important bit of the page from a search engine's perspective."

This does not mean that you should stuff keywords into your content unnecessarily. Keyword stuffing gets a big penalty from search engines, so be sure that you use your keywords naturally and appropriately in your page content.


Tip #3 — Build better content

The more relevant your content is, the better your SEO will be. Fill your blog with educational and informative material and your ranking will rise accordingly.

Update your content often to keep it fresh and engaging for your audience. Search engines now give weight to social media cues, so make your content easily shareable by including social media share buttons and links.


Tip #4 — Build better links

CIO's "Top 25 DIY Tips for Better SEO" gives this advice about link building:

"Google looks to see if your site has links from relevant sources in your field. A great way to get these links is to reach out to bloggers in your space. See if they will write about you or review your products. If you're able to do this, your rankings will increase and you may also get more traffic from those sites."


Tip #5 — Use analytics to see what's hot and what's not

Tools like Google Analytics can tell you how consumers are interacting with your site and how much traffic you are getting from search engines.

Watching these metrics change based on tweaks you make to your SEO strategies over time can help you discern what really works and what you can leave alone.


The Takeaway

These five tips will get you started with SEO. Hubspot offers a free daily SEO planner with additional tips for building SEO in a short time. You can also find additional information about SEO with trusted sources like Moz and Search Engine Journal.

Inbound marketing

When reviewing your SEO strategies, don't forget to look at your analytics.
Small tweaks based on this data can improve your rankings over time. Twitter icon for click to tweet

If you would like a more hands-on approach to your SEO strategy, Inbound 281 can help. As inbound marketing specialists, we help companies build better SEO every day. Contact us for a free marketing assessment to see what we can do for your SEO strategies today.

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