Innovative Marketing – 3 Laws Of Facebook Attraction
Facebook isn’t just a place to share adorable photos of your pets and newborn babies…or to troll around after your ex…in fact, businesses with the...
2 min read
Mark Parent
February 27, 2015 1:28:00 PM EST
What makes an agency marketing services provider a truly modern one? Is it SEO savvy? Tech savvy? Content creation? Yes, yes and yes. But, really, what makes for a modern marketing firm is their comfort with change. Change isn’t always easy – but when it comes to present-day marketing, it’s inevitable. What works today may not necessarily work tomorrow – and only the creative minded and nimble modern marketing mavens understand and appreciate that reality.
A Willingness To Evolve
Traditional firms — PR, advertising, web, SEO, content — that are unable or unwilling to evolve will fade, and a new category of disruptive hybrid agencies will rise to prominence. These tech-savvy, modern marketing agencies thrive on change and continually apply advances in technology to strengthen their businesses, evolve their agency marketing services, and deliver greater value to you, the clients.
Inbound Marketing Savvy
Consumers are tuning out traditional, interruption-based marketing methods and choosing when and where to interact with brands. This creates exponential growth in demand for inbound marketing services across the core areas of search, social, content, PR, email, analytics, web, digital advertising, mobile, and more.
The future belongs to dynamic agencies with more efficient management systems, integrated services, versatile talent, a love for data, and a commitment to producing results that can be tracked in real time and correlated directly to sales.
They Embrace Authorship
Modern marketers know that as Google continues to strive for the best possible results to users’ queries, it has put a major emphasis on determining the authority of content’s author. When an author is a real person with a real social reputation, Google sees this as a good thing and ultimately rates the content as real and genuine (as opposed to content from farms or spammers). While applying authorship may seem uncomfortable at first, modern marketing firms work to get their clients on board with publishing under the names of actual people within the firm – this not only helps to raise the authority level of specific employees, but it elevates the brand as a whole.
They Market To Your Target Audience
Unlike the now nearly dead mass marketing movement of the last 50 years past, modern marketing is incredibly targeted and incredibly personal. All agency marketing services should be tailored toward the audience you want to entice. SEO, content creation, QR codes, landing pages, insight emails and all of the other modern marketer’s tricks and tools are ALL based on the intent of the search, the want of the target, the pain points your product and service is able to solve for the customer. If you are creating quality marketing that points individual customers toward you as opposed to trying to please the masses, your agency marketing services provider is doing a service to both you and to your client base.
Facebook isn’t just a place to share adorable photos of your pets and newborn babies…or to troll around after your ex…in fact, businesses with the...
You’ve heard it said time and again – content is king – and when it comes to creating a successful agency marketing services strategy, no statement...
Did you know that 97% of the visitors who come to your site aren’t even ready to buy yet? That means you need to do a fair amount of convincing to...