Innovative marketing how-to: Make great blog content
6 Steps to creating great blog content Now that you know the business value of blogging, it’s time to delve into the how. Are you wondering what...
2 min read
Mark Parent
August 12, 2014 12:40:00 PM EDT
There are thousands of blogs out there. If you are convinced that yours should stand out from the rest, you should do the necessary work to promote it.
The following eight blog promotion tips outline several ways to help your business blog gain exposure:
Reach out to influential bloggers and attract their attention through mentions on your blog and social media. Create an opportunity for them to share your blog posts across their network and create link-building opportunities to help build more inbound links that boost your search engine rankings.
Make your content easier to share. Whenever you publish a new blog post, you should automatically publish it to the main social networks: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+. The most popular locations for buttons are above the content, below the content, or to the left of the content.
Consider placing calls-to-action on different pages of your website and carefully craft the language to generate excitement and encourage the reader to click and read the blog article.
If you are at an event and giving a presentation on a specific topic, refer the audience to your blog for further information.
Whenever you send an email, you can link to the resourced located on your blog. Better yet, if you’re emailing on a particular subject you’ve blogged about, share a direct link to the topic.
Running a contest on your blog can help to attract more attention to it. Come up with an entry system that requires other bloggers to link back to you by way of Facebook fan page eligibility or the like.
Submit your blog to at least the top 25-50 directories pertaining to your subject matter to help get you more traffic and help you with rankings by creating more inbound links to your blog.
Create a short video to describe what your blog covers and what its mission is. Then, publish the video to YouTube and allow a different audience to find it. You can also create a controversial or funny video that links to the blog.
By employing these eight tactics, your blog will be attracting more visitors and conversions in no time.
For a more in-depth look at creating insightful and engaging content that readers will love, get your free copy of our eBook, Content Marketing for Marketers.
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