The Jedi Knight's Guide to a "Force-ful" Inbound Marketing Strategy
Here at Inbound 281, we're all looking forward to seeing "Star Wars: Episode VIII — The Last Jedi" this weekend. — and we bet you are, too. But what...
2 min read
Mark Parent
March 9, 2016 3:32:00 PM EST
When you're excited about developing an inbound marketing strategy for your company, you want to get started right away. You're convinced of inbound's benefits and you don't want to waste another second on tired strategies that never produce results.
However, it's sometimes difficult to get your executive management team on board, especially if it consists of professionals who have been in the marketing and advertising game for years or who don't understand your role in the marketing department. Use the following guide to get your management team on board for an aggressive, fruitful inbound marketing strategy.
Numbers don't lie. Use statistics, facts, and figures to build
a more convincing inbound marketing proposal.
You've heard the phrase that "numbers don't lie." It's true, and even your executive team can't deny the value of raw statistics. If you're having trouble getting executive buy-in for an inbound marketing strategy, attend your next meeting armed with as many facts and figures as you can collect.
Hubspot offers a regularly updated list of statistics and trends that you can use to your advantage. High-quality sources will lend credibility to your argument and help you keep emotions out of the mix. Draw statistics that have a direct impact on your target market or your industry whenever possible.
Everyone who opposes inbound marketing has a specific fear or concern that fuels his or her reluctance to jump on the bandwagon. PR 20/20 offers several possibilities, such as the fear of legal retribution and liability or the worry that advertising spend will spiral out of control.
These fears are often related to each executive's position within the company. The CFO, for instance, will express concerns over financial issues, while the CTO might focus on technological infrastructure issues or legal concerns. Knowing your audience's reason for opposition will help you develop a compelling argument in favor of an inbound marketing strategy.
A detailed strategy will strengthen your inbound marketing proposal and help to highlight the benefits that an inbound approach can bring your organization.
Outlining the benefits of an inbound marketing strategy isn't always enough. C-suite executives are concerned about the process and the follow-through, as well, so show up to your next meeting with a viable strategy that you're ready to explain. Detail the number of people required to initiate the campaign, the details about any agency you hope to partner with, and a list of clear (and achievable) goals.
Pull out the spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, and graphs if necessary. Make your plan as detailed as possible and prepare answers to possible questions in advance. If you can present a clear and cogent argument for adopting an inbound marketing expert strategy, the executive team is more likely to fall in line.
Inbound might not be your only avenue to commercial success, but it's proven over and over again to achieve better results than outbound and other marketing initiatives. Getting your executive team on board is the first hurdle to overcome, but the above tips will help you reach that goal.
In order to convince management of the advantage of an inbound marketing approach, you’ll need to understand the facts and figures that will impress them most. Get your free copy of our eGuide, The Six Marketing Metrics Your Boss Actually Cares About, and start making your case today.
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