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3 Questions To Ask Before Hiring An Agency Marketing Services Co

3 Questions To Ask Before Hiring An Agency Marketing Services Co

Questions To Ask Agency Marketing Services

Ok, so you’re 99.9999% sure you’ve chosen the marketing consultants to take over your agency marketing services. Not so fast. Here are three more questions to ask – if you haven’t already – before setting ink to contract. 

Question #1: Are the agency marketing services you’re going to provide help my business achieve its goals? 

Soup to nuts aside, the overarching reason you’re hiring a marketing consultant is to achieve business goals, whether it’s a full rebranding or an insight email campaign. Sure, you must discuss certain measurable like lead generation and acquisition – but beyond these short-term goals, it needs to be stated from the outset: “These are my business goals. How will you help me to achieve them?” 

Question #2: Do I really need the entire portfolio of agency marketing services you’re trying to sell me? 

Building off of the idea of clearly defining goals, all of the agency marketing services being lobbed your way should be working to achieve them. If you want to generate leads to your website, is it that your website needs a pricey SEO revamp or should it be about creating and maintaining a more active social media presence – or could it be a little bit of both. Make sure you discuss how each touted service is going to align with your goals. 

Question #3: How am I going to be able measure and track the ROI of your agency marketing services?

This can be a touchy subject for some marketing consultants, but it really shouldn’t be. A marketer that declares they will beef up leads but doesn’t say the same for business revenues isn’t one you want to work with. You need to make it firm that you want your marketing consultant to measure, track and report their performance AND the return on investment (ROI) for their services. This is how to know your money is being well spent – and how you might need to rebalance efforts as time wears on. 

What are the questions you wish you asked your marketing consultant before signing your last services contract? Tell us in the comments below.    

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