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Why Hire A Personalized Marketing Company

Why Hire A Personalized Marketing Company

Why Hire A Personalized Marketing Company

Ask any personalized marketing company and they’ll tell you from client experience: online customers are getting increasingly fed up with companies that don’t recognize them as individuals nor cater or adapt to their specific interests. 

Changing Industry Attitudes

And, the research to back this up is ever expanding. Here are just a few of the latest stats collected from consumers and personalized marketing companies that illustrate the evolving attitudes and expectations when it comes to personalization: 

  • 74% of online consumers are annoyed with impersonal online content
    (Janrain & Harris Interactive)

  • 50% of marketers see personalization as mission critical in the digital sphere (Econsultancy and Adobe) 

  • 71% of marketers tailor content to the profile of the decision maker 
    (The Content Marketing Institute) 

  • 84% of personalized marketing company execs plan to create a content development process based on buyer journeys and personas (Aberdeen) 

Personalization Gets Results

While email is still considered the top way of disseminating personalized marketing information, personalized marketing technology has paved the way for newer, smarter content across the board and the results have been no less than incredible. 

  • Personalized email boosts clickthroughs by 14% and conversions by 10% (Aberdeen) 

  • 69% of unsubscribes in the United States are the result of too many emails (ChadwickMartinBailey) 

  • 56% of unsubscribes in the Unites States are because the content is irrelevant (ChadwickMartinBailey) 

  • 42% higher view-to-submission rates were reported in emails with targeted calls-to-action over calls-to-action that were the same for all
  • (Study of over 93,000 calls-to-action created using Hubspot personalized marketing company technology) 

  • 19% more sales reported by marketers using personal web experiences (Monetate/eConsultancy) 

  • 40% buy more from retailers who personalize the shopping experience across all channels (MyBuys) 

  • 20% more sales result from leads nurtured with targeted content (DemandGen)

  • A personalized recommendation from a friend makes a purchase 50 times more likely (McKinsey) 

  • Personalized marketing company campaigns generate overwhelmingly higher response rates than static campaigns (MindFire) 

No doubt, this data about the power of working with a personalized marketing company is sure to spark a conversation among your marketing team. Hopefully, it will help to convince your key decision makers that it’s time to make your firm’s marketing experience more human for consumers. 

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