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2 min read

8 Ways Pay Per Click Advertising Helps Your Business Grow

Per-per-click advertising (PPC) is one of the surest ways for businesses to get their products and services in front of consumers. PPC is affordable,...

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2 min read

Google's Recent Innovations for Paid Search

Over the past several years, Google and marketers have experienced something of a love-hate relationship. While Google's advertising opportunities...

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Image of woman golfing, hitting out of sand trap. Avoid paid search advertising traps to build successful campaigns.

3 min read

Common paid search traps and how to avoid them

Are you using paid search advertising to try to connect with new customers online? If so, there are a number of best practices to follow, as well as...

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4 min read

Expert Interview Series: Gabriel Bitis on creating smarter banner ads

Gabriel Bitis is the Product Manager of Bannersnack, a professional marketing tool that helps business owners, marketers and designers to create...

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