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Stellar Inbound Web Design Tips For Innovative Marketing Supremacy

Stellar Inbound Web Design Tips For Innovative Marketing Supremacy

Innovative Marketing Website Design Tips

First impressions are everything. They set the tone for how your customer relationship will (or won’t) unfold. Nowhere is this principle more true than with an inbound website.

Complex Design: The Traffic Killer

Good design is simple. Bad design is complex. This is true in engineering, in life and most certainly in innovative marketing and web design. Why?

Complex Design Is Confusing – Design that makes the user look this way and that is going to make them unfocused and unclear in their purpose for being at your site in the first place.

Complex Design Is Distracting – Is the call to action clear? Not likely. If your website’s sole purpose in “life” is to convert, then it should be crystal clear what the next steps are…particularly step #2.

Complex Design Is Overwhelming – Too much content to slog through is the bane of the web user’s existence. Less is more in web content – so bottom-line it for the visitor. If they want more extensive information, make them click for it.

5 Inbound Web Design Tips That Convert

#1: Consider A Front-And-Center Testimonial

Let’s face it. You’re an unknown entity when a prospect first visits your inbound marketing site. But, if someone else likes you…then, maybe there’s a reason to trust you.

#2: List Problems and How You Solve Them

Why do your customers choose your service? Does it solve common problems that other businesses like yours can’t? Say so! And, don’t go on and on about it either. Be clear. Be plain. Be simple.

#3: Display Your Big Name Clients

Be sure to clear it with them first, but if your firm somehow services other big names in the business, say so with that company’s logo (perhaps even a testimonial per tip #1).

#4: Make All Things Lead To The Call-To-Action

Whether it’s a 14-day free trial or a beckoning to “make the switch today!”, all roads of content and design should lead prospects there. A big button with a prominent CTA is great. Multiple repeats of the same CTA throughout pieces of the design are also useful. Just make sure it’s obvious and singular – just one call to action; a “step 2”, if you will.

#5: Consider A Demo Video

If your product takes too many “words” to describe in prose, why not create a demo video that shows exactly how it works (and what makes it awesome)? This is a particularly useful innovative marketing tool in the case of computer software, design updates and/or new devices.

So, what are the innovative marketing design tips you’ve used to make our brand’s message jump off of an inbound [web] page? And, what inbound web design snafus have you seen that could send customers running for the hills? Tell us in the comments below.


To learn more about how you can get more from your website and hire a creative "Innovative Marketing Agency" download The Ultimate Guide to hiring an Inbound Marketing Agency

Hiring an Inbound Marketing Agency eGuide


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