How Closed-Loop Marketing Techniques Help Firms Improve Services
“Closed-loop marketing enables us to do better marketing.” In Chapter 3 of the new Ebook “An Introduction To Closed-Loop Marketing”, SugarBush...
Before personalized marketing companies gained popularity, traditional marketers would all too often spew out messages to as big an audience as they could reach. Not only was this very pricey, it was interruptive, often annoying and very imprecise.
From Many…
Though it might have had a very broad and generalized view of a pseudo customer persona – (ie: educational institutions would target any and all high school juniors in a broad geographic area or across certain demographic lines) - this one-size-fits-all methodology never really considered who each individual target was. Prospects weren't viewed as unique individuals with specific interests and desires – they were a homogenous mass audience of potential customers.
To One
Big data technology has allowed the personalized marketing company to emerge as the champion of the individual. The goal of personalization isn't to engage with one audience of many, but to engage with unending audiences of one.
What a personalized marketing company can do is to leverage personalization technology at every stage of inbound marketing – from attracting site visits, to converting those into leads, to closing the loop and transforming them into customers and even to turning those customers into evangelists for you to new prospects.
Personalization Technology Can
A personalized marketing company is well-versed in the latest technology that can help you to provide relevant, highly targeted content based on a whole assortment of key criteria, from the basics like a person’s physical location to what sort of device they’re using, whether they’re a unique visitor or a repeat visitor that’s already in your database, or even an existing customer.
All of these tidbits of information, rolled together, can paint a very unique picture about each individual you’re dealing with, and tell the technology you have in place what next steps might be most useful in engaging them more personally. It’s kind of astonishing to think about.
For example, a personalized marketing company can customize certain web page content by a target’s location. They can even personalize pages by the channel they visit from – so, a Facebook visitor will see different content than, say, an email visitor. Personalized marketers can even help you to create smart CTAs by way of follow-ups on previous actions or purchases, with relevant new potential actions or purchases that build upon the previous action.
Is Your Content Irritating Customers?
Don’t be so quick to assume your content is tailored enough to your overall customer base. Consider a recent study by the firm Janrain, which found that a whopping 74% of online consumers get annoyed when the content of online communications (websites, social media, emails, blogs) have nothing to do with their particular interests. That’s nearly three in four!
Maybe it’s time you had a personalized marketing company like SugarBush help you assess how you communicate with each and every customer.
“Closed-loop marketing enables us to do better marketing.” In Chapter 3 of the new Ebook “An Introduction To Closed-Loop Marketing”, SugarBush...
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Visualizing Closed-Loop Marketing To understand WHY closed-loop marketing works – and it does – you’ll first need a better understanding of HOW it...