Have you been noticing a lot of insight email list attrition lately? Are you not seeing the open rates or CTA clickthroughs you’ve been hoping for? Maybe your subscribers aren’t feeling as wooed as they used to be – or aren’t quite understanding the how or the why of how you’re communicating them.
Let’s go ahead and change all of that, shall we?
3 Simple Steps To Ensure Subscriber Satisfaction
#1: Tell Subscribers How You’ll Communicate With Them – Fortunately, 50% of recipients reported being trusting of email messages from firms they’ve subscribed to. So, on the opt-in page, be clear about how you’ll be sending those emails – and speak to email frequency specifically. That way, they can make an educated decision on whether or not they want to receive messages from you. Making this decision one that takes an extra second of time to consider will help to ensure only subscribers who truly want to hear from you down the line. But, be sure you hold up your end of the agreement by adhering to your previously stated email content and frequency stipulations – and if you intend to change things, allow them an opportunity to re-opt-in and adjust their settings (this is particularly helpful if you decide to add a new type of email to your “catalogue” of content).
#2: Don’t Sell All Of The Time – Every communication doesn’t have to be a blatant sales pitch. What about news they can use? Share relevant information to subscriber interests, help them make the most of products and services they’re already using, tease upcoming events. This more holistic approach shows a more genuine interest in keeping subscribers and customers in the fold long-term. And, if it is indeed news worth sharing – they may share it on via forwards – allowing you the chance to woo new and qualified leads without lifting an extra finger.
#3: Offer Multiple Subscription Levels – All or nothing is never a good approach with insight email. People who love your company might not want (or need) to be reminded about how awesome you are every day. Others might be such fans that they wish to devour every piece of information you disseminate. Let the subscriber decide their own consumption style and what kinds of content they wish to consume and you’ll have a much more satisfied and stable insight email subscriber. But, do make sure it’s easy for the subscriber to adjust their opt-ins at any point in time via the email directly. Don’t merely have an ‘unsubscribe’ option; add an ‘adjust subscription’ option as well. You should also offer an opportunity to opt-in/opt-out of specific email streams via the ‘unsubscribe/opt-out’ portal. There’s always a chance that a target that’s sick of one type of content might find themselves surprised and even interested to know you offer other streams of content.
Remember, insight email is meant to be a highly scalable and customizable marketing tool with endless personalization and targeting option – and that shouldn’t end merely with the content as it’s sent out; the subscriber should get a say in how they choose to be marketed to. Allowing for this extra level of subscriber control takes some getting used to – but it also pays great dividends by way of subscriber loyalty and email list stability.