Inbound Marketing Agency Blog

How To Improve Your Business Blog

Written by Mark Parent | November 25, 2013 4:43:00 PM Z

The performance of your blog hinges on your content – so use your blog’s marketing analytics to improve your content creation efforts! Start by exporting your blog posts, grouping articles by topic, and analyzing the views for each individual blog post.

In Chapter 3 of his eBook, “Unlock The ROI of Your Marketing With Analytics” inbound marketing expert Mark Parent asks:

Are there certain topics that perform better than others?
Do certain posts receive more inbound links than others?

Topics that receive more post views should receive more emphasis in your content creation.

Sort your topic spreadsheet based on number of post views—do you notice any trends in the post title structure in posts that receive the most views? For example, perhaps posts that start with the phrase “How to” (like this one) dominate the top views. This is an indication that a certain title structure or blog post structure is more attractive to your readers, and you should create more content following that format or title structure.

Where Does Your Traffic Come From?

Analyzing the source of your blog’s traffic is the easiest way to improve blog content promotion and distribution for more traffic. Says Parent, “After all, if you know where people are finding your blog, you know where to focus your efforts.”

Have you drilled down to what social media sites drive traffic?

Great – closed-loop marketing directs your attention to the most powerful conversion events and channels. By looking at the sources and offers that traditionally brought in new customers for your organization, you will be able to identify the behavior you need to engage in to qualify leads and push them down the sales funnel.

How Is Your Call-To-Action Doing?

A key question posted by Parent time and again throughout the various topics covered in “Unlock The ROI of Your Marketing With Analytics.” When it comes to blogging, the performance of your blog’s lead generation is directly impacted by your CTA performance. To improve it, analyze the CTA click-through rate. If you have a low one, there are three places you can make improvements:

    1. Make a more compelling offer
    2. Create an offer that better aligns with your blog post
    3. Split test the CTA copy and design

To learn more on the power of analytics on blogging – and turning blog leads into customers, download and read “Unlock The ROI of Your Marketing With Analytics” from Mark Parent now.