In chapter 1 of his new eBook, “Unlock The ROI of Your Marketing With Analytics”, inbound marketing expert and SugarBush Inc. President Mark Parent explains why you should analyze whether the call-to-action that precedes your landing page is actually driving visitors at all.
So, how do you get started? Easy, as Parent goes on to explain. “Begin by establishing a baseline metric of your CTA click-through rate; the landing pages with the lowest CTA click-through rate should be the first you set out to improve.”
Parent then goes on to explain ways to collect calls-to-action insights. On page 9 of the eBook, “Unlock The ROI of Your Marketing With Analytics”, he writes:
“In order to optimize your calls-to-action, you need to monitor their performance and figure our what to improve. In addition to click-through rates, you should also be tracking views to submission, a metric that will give you a deeper knowledge of how your calls-to-action affect lead generation.”
It sounds like an obvious task, but Parent warns that all copy between your call-to-action and landing page is actually aligned. The language in the call-to-action that describes the offer and its subject matter should be on the landing page too. And, once you know for sure the language lines up, make sure it’s easy to spot. After all, “if a visitor comes to your landing page and can’t figure out what to do on that page, they will click the back button immediately,” says Parent.
To learn more about how to use marketing analytics to improve your landing pages – including tricks on how to remove navigation, figuring out visitor-to-lead conversion rates and lead-to-customer conversion rates and even how to optimize through split testing, download the free eBook, “Unlock The ROI of Your Marketing With Analytics” today!