Inbound Marketing Agency Blog

3 Of Your Burning Insight Email Marketing Questions – Answered

Written by Mark Parent | December 3, 2014 9:01:00 PM Z

Are you looking for straight answers about insight email? Look no further. 

As a marketer, especially one first starting out with a new strategy, do you sometimes feel embarrassed to ask some fundamentally important questions – often because they seem so obvious that you should “know the answers already”? And, if you do go ahead and ask the internet for the answers, you’re lead in a million different directions and never really do seem to find a definitive answer.  

Stop spinning your wheels and read on – for some basic, simple, straightforward answers about insight emails and email marketing in general – to help set you on the right path. 

Question #1: How often should I be sending marketing emails? 

Answer: It depends. 
Maybe you create a lot of content and you share it with your list every morning at 7 a.m. Your list could love that you are consistently sending them content. 
Or maybe your list doesn't want to hear from you more than once a month. For example, if you run an admissions office, your list might feel nagged if you were sending them admissions essay-writing tips more than once a month. 
Send email as often as people want to hear from you. You'll only find that out by running tests that help you determine how much is too much.

Question 2: How can I avoid my insight email winding up in Spam folders?

Answer: Work off an opt-in email list that you built yourself -- not one that's purchased or rented. 

You should also follow best practices like identifying who you are in your sender name, making un-subscribing easy, segmenting your lists and tailoring your content to those segments, cleansing your lists, and not bombarding your recipients' inboxes with too much email. (We speak to a lot of these strategies in other emails of this series – so be sure to check them out.)

Question 3: How do I write a great insight email subject line? 

Answer: Personalize. Use action-oriented verbs. Be aware of the recipient persona. Be timely. Let subscribers know what’s inside. Be brief. Be clear. Be consistent. Avoid obvious SPAM triggers like “cash” “quote” and “save” (among others). Oh, and optimize the sender and preview text too. 

Seems simple enough, right? Ok, not really. These best practices are really the starting off point for great subject lines. It’s up to your knowledge of your targets and your brand to then determine the most appropriate headlines to entice your subscribers. 

Of course, these are just 3 of the questions we receive over and over again from clients looking to begin or enhance their insight email practices. What questions do you need answers on about email marketing? Let us know in the comments or get in touch to have a more in-depth conversation about your needs. 

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